At -home Strength Workouts + Descriptions

Strength Workouts + Descriptions

If you are looking for a couple of little to no equipment strength workouts, we’ve got you covered. P50’s Exercise Physiologist, Lex Hubbard, has provided 2 total body strength workouts for anyone to complete! More workouts here.

Wall Sits
With your back against the wall, walk feet out to where when you sit, your knees are at a 90 degree bend
Hold the position there, staying in that squat against the wall and keeping your back and butt on the wall
1. Stand with feet about shoulder width apart
2. Pushing butt back first, like youโ€™re reaching for the chair
3. Drop into squat, Knees at 90 or comfortable depth
4. Return to start
High Plank Alternating Knee to Elbow
1. Starting in high plank position (Hands and toes)
2. Maintaining straight back throughout
3. Bring knee to same side elbow and return to start
4. Alternate and repeat
Hip Bridges
1. Lying with back flat on the floor, knees bent
2. Raise hips up, driving through your heels and squeezing glutes
3. Feet, shoulders, and head maintain contact throughout
4. Return back to start, slow and controlled
MODIFICATION: to increase intensity, you can do a single leg hip bridge, keeping one leg in the air but both thighs in line throughout the workout.
Lateral Sliding Lunges
1. Step one foot out laterally, extending the stationary leg to that side
2. Keeping butt pushed back, slide to the other side until the bent knee is now extended
3. Slide back and forth, Staying low throughout
Sliding Hamstring Curls
1. Lie on your back, knees bent with a towel under your feet. Feet should be on a surfaces that is easy to slide on. Wood floor or linolium
2. Lift butt of the ground into a bridge position, shoulder blades stay on the ground throughout
3. Extend legs out, keeping hips up off the floor
4. Pull towel back to starting position
Lateral Raise
1. Arms extended down at sides, palms facing thighs, slight bend in knees
2. Raise weights out to sides up to shoulder height
3. Control back to start
4. Can be done with cans of soup or something light in weight
Plank Up/Downs
1. Starting in high plank position (Hands and toes)
2. Drop one elbow down to the ground, followed by the other into an elbows and toes plank
3. Lift back up to high plank by transitioning elbow to hand positions
4. Keep back straight throughout
Side Plank Thread the Needle
1. Lying on your side, lift body up so only one elbow and foot on the ground
2. While you hold that position, keep shoulders square to wall
3. With opposite arm, raise it straight up in the air
4. Continuously bring that arm from the upright position down and under your torso as if you were “threading a needle” and back to start


Step Ups with Knee Drive
1. Start at the bottom of stairs
2. Step one foot up onto stairs (can skip a stair for bigger step up)
3. After you step up, drive opposite knee up towards your chest and back down to start
4. Step off stair
5. Alternate legs when stepping
Reverse Lunge
1. Start feet shoulder width apart
2. Step one foot backwards and drop knee to the floor
3. Rise back up and step foot back to start
4. Alternate legs
Elevated Push Up
1. With a Counter or Stairs
2. Put hands on surface, leaning forward so your chest comes even
3. Your body should remain straight throughout and probably end up on your tip toes
4. Drop chest to surface and push back up to start
Single Arm Bent Over Row
1. Start bent over at your waist, slight bend in knees
2. Gallon of milk or paint can in one hand extended down
3. Other arm should be rested on knee/thigh
4. Pull the weight up towards chest, keeping elbow tight to body
5. Return to start slow and controlled
Front Raise
1. Arms extended down in front, palms facing thighs, slight bend in knees
2. Raise weights out in front to shoulder height
3. Control back to start
4. Can be done with cans of soup or something light in weight
Single Leg Stair Hop
1. Starting at the bottom of the stairs, use one foot to hop up the stairs
2. Hang onto railing for balance
3. Walk down stairs and switch feet for next round
Squatting Side Steps
1. Sitting in a half squat, take steps to the side
2. Take steps back to starting spot
3. Sit in lower squat or add band around the knees for added difficulty
High Plank Reach Out
1. Place something out in front, arms distance away (bottles work well)
2. Starting in plank position (hands and toes)
3. Reach out with one hand and touch
4. Alternate arms reaching out
Seated Knee Tuck Crunch
1. Starting sitting down, torso leaned back and feet off the ground
2. Extend torso and legs away from each other as far as you can while maintaining off the ground
3. Tuck knees back towards chest and return to start


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